High Blood Pressure Diet Foods and Plans

High Blood Pressure Diet Foods and PlansThis High Blood Pressure Diet article is intended to support patients. The doctor will give a letter to patients suffering from a disease or disorder. Free Diet Programs information does not replace consultation with your GP. You can read that the health situation may be different from those described in the texts.

Hypertension / High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is not a disease, but there are more opportunities for cardiovascular disease. In the diet of high blood pressure takes into consideration other factors that increase the risk of heart disease increases. Examples of these risk factors are obesity, diabetes and high cholesterol.

High Blood Pressure Diet Recommendations

A healthy lifestyle is important for everyone to reduce the reduction of cardiovascular disease. This includes a healthy diet, regular exercise, normal weight and not smoking. On the basis of any diet: eat a healthy and diverse. Watch for high blood pressure in the following sections:
  • Moderate your salt intake;
  • Take more fruits and vegetables; looks cool;
  • Do not eat licorice
  • Moderate your salt intake
All foods naturally low in salt. The addition of salt is unnecessary. Select as many other spices or salt, such as (fresh) herbs and spices. Examples include:
  • Green herbs like basil, chives, cilantro, dill, celery, oregano, parsley, rosemary;
  • spices such as cinnamon, curry, cloves, nutmeg, pepper and cayenne pepper;
  • Other spices such as lemon, onion, garlic, mustard and ginger;
  • roasted seeds and kernels, such as pine nuts, sesame and sunflower seeds.
Do not take products with high salt content. Too much salt is present in:
  • ready for harvest, or a microwave meals;
  • salty snacks like cookies and frikandels;
  • ready-to-eat soups and sauces;
  • seasonings and stock cubes, ready-made (spice) mix, broth, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, mustard, pepper, tomato paste and tomato sauce.
High Blood Pressure Diet Foods - Allow plenty of fruits and vegetables

Use 3-4 tablespoons per day of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit.

Fat Note: make products with unsaturated fat or low-fat products

Unsaturated fats (in moderation) good for the heart and blood vessels. Saturated fats are not good, it increases blood cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The less saturated fat in the diet, the better. It is therefore important to take dietary products or products with unsaturated fats occupants.
  • Select (diet) margarine, cooking oil and liquid products;
  • Do not use butter, hard margarines and baked products;
  • Choose lean meats, lean meat (smoked meat) instead of fatty meats and fatty meats like sausage and bacon;
  • Leyden cheese Dial 20 +, 30 + cream cheese or low-fat cheese instead of full fat cheese (48 + and 60 + cheese, cream cheese);
  • Choose fat-free milk, and instead of whole milk and dairy products;
  • Choose smart snacks (see below) instead of sandwiches, pies, cakes / biscuits, cakes, chocolate, etc.
Do not eat licorice

Limit the use of licorice. Sharp fall and even food can raise blood pressure. Licorice is not salty, but there is another substance (glycyrrhizin) in a variety of autumn.

Body weight

If you are overweight, losing weight can help lower blood pressure. Weight reduction of 10 per cent influence. A responsible way to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight is not easy. If necessary, please advise.

High Blood Pressure Diet Plans

The average daily use in the following amounts:
  • 8-12 cups (2.11 liters) of liquid (water, coffee, tea, juices and soft drinks), including 2-3 glasses of skim milk (products) (300-450 ml);
  • 5-7 slices of whole meal bread or whole meal, salt finely spread (diet) is developed;
  • 1-2 slices of cheese 20 + or 30 + (20-40 grams);
  • 1-2 slices lean meat lightly salted or not, such as pork, chicken and turkey, roast beef and slightly salty smoked beef (15-30 grams);
  • 2 servings of fruit (200 grams);
  • 3-5 potatoes (150-250 grams) 2 tablespoons of couscous (125-175 grams) or 2 tablespoons of cooked rice (125 to 175 grams) or 3 tablespoons of cooked pasta (like macaroni and spaghetti) or pulses (125-175 grams);
  • 3-4 tablespoons of vegetables (150-250 grams);
  • a piece of lean meat (100 grams), fish (1-2 times per week), poultry or eggs (up to three per week);
  • 1 tablespoon salt-free (diet), margarine, oil or dripping into a container and the preparation of hot meals.
Snacks: High Blood Pressure Diet

Sensitive Snack crackers, rice cakes, popcorn salt, unsalted roasted seeds (sunflower seeds or pine nuts), currants, raisins, raw vegetables and a slice of toast with low fat cream cheese or fish. Perhaps, unsalted walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds. Nuts are high in fat, but a good compromise.

Moderate alcohol

A glass of alcoholic drink cannot hurt, but do not drink more than one or two drinks per day, and preferably not every day.

High Blood Pressure Diet Foods and Plans Questions?

If after reading this letter has any questions, please contact your next return.

Read more, High Blood Pressure Diets.

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